91.   He witnessed firsthand the insult and emotional scars that sexual predators can inflict on families when they are set free.

92.   He would urge the fund to help countries whose currencies are under attack, but only after the currency is set free.

93.   He was set free in December when the state agreed that there was a lack of credible evidence and he was poorly represented during his trial.

94.   He served what he had to serve, and now he should be set free.

95.   Heading the list of business plans is a bill to grant independence to the Bank of England, allowing it to set interest rates free from political control.

96.   His case will come before a criminal review board in mid-August, when the board will decide whether to keep Dallaire in custody or set free him.

97.   He wrote about men who were set free on new evidence after years on death row.

98.   His slaves were never set free.

99.   His wife had refused to testify against him, and he won a lenient sentence that essentially set him free in exchange for his guilty plea.

100.   His captors fled in the face of a popular uprising spurred by the presence of U.S. Marines here, and Charles and hundreds of fellow inmates were set free.

v. + free >>共 42
set 53.85%
leave 10.81%
keep 4.61%
declare 4.61%
cut 3.76%
get 3.76%
pull 3.20%
make 2.91%
shake 2.07%
consider 1.69%
set + a. >>共 154
free 34.96%
afire 13.91%
alight 10.43%
straight 5.00%
high 3.97%
ablaze 3.78%
loose 3.23%
right 3.05%
low 1.95%
aflame 1.65%
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