91.   Clients are usually only referred to them, however, when they are already suffering serious psychiatric problems.

92.   There are serious problems, however, in attempting to reduce the PSBR.

93.   Airborne dust and lead are identified as the most serious problems.

94.   Other serious environmental problems highlighted by the report are groundwater pollution, inadequate waste-water treatment, soil erosion, and dumping of hazardous waste.

95.   Other serious problems are the exhausts from motorcycles and other vehicles, an overstretched public sanitation system, and a rapid loss of trees and green areas.

96.   Would it, are there any districts where that would raise serious problems?

97.   Whether that was erm a child, whether it was a woman, anybody who tries to take my firearm from me would really have serious problems.

98.   Now my bill will seek to tackle this serious problem by introducing a rolling register that would allow addition and deletions of names as poo people move.

99.   Clearly the Labour Party Executive was finding unity a serious problem.

100.   The Bournemouth Conference of the Labour Party was faced with a serious problem.

a. + problem >>共 705
serious 4.46%
economic 3.74%
major 3.48%
financial 2.66%
biggest 2.34%
technical 1.95%
only 1.92%
big 1.91%
potential 1.91%
real 1.87%
serious + n. >>共 891
condition 7.60%
injury 7.04%
problem 6.22%
damage 2.48%
threat 2.11%
crime 2.01%
charge 1.33%
trouble 1.32%
concern 1.24%
health 1.20%
每页显示:    共 1660