91.   The main U.N. human rights investigator on executions added his voice Tuesday to international pleas for clemency for a woman sentenced to die in Texas.

92.   The officers were sentenced to die by public firing squad.

93.   They were sentenced to die in front of a firing squad.

94.   Thompson was sentenced to die.

95.   This is where pickax murderer Karla Faye Tucker was sentenced to die.

96.   Timothy McVeigh, his former Army buddy, was separately convicted of murder and weapons counts and sentenced to die.

97.   Three officials in central Hunan province have been sentenced to die for taking bribes, an official newspaper reported Friday, as the government announced stricter anti-corruption rules.

98.   Truong, a former police inspector, is likely to be sentenced to die before a firing squad for his alleged crimes.

99.   Tomas Ervin was also convicted in the crime and sentenced to die.

100.   Two sentenced to die for Rwanda genocide.

v. + die >>共 76
sentence 36.00%
lie 24.67%
will 4.67%
be 2.67%
come 2.33%
abandon 1.00%
injure 1.00%
say 1.00%
willing 1.00%
engineer 0.67%
sentence + v. >>共 41
die 36.36%
prison 17.85%
hang 13.13%
serve 5.39%
jail 5.39%
be 2.36%
spend 2.02%
time 1.68%
follow 1.68%
find 1.35%
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