91.   Democratic defections give a sense of momentum to the Republican side, said a senior member of the House Republican leadership staff.

92.   Depending on which side wins, he will be the junior member of the original board or the senior member of the new one.

93.   Early in the trials, Conner was on the boat, largely because Whidden had not signed on to the team as senior member of the afterguard.

94.   Dudayev explained his position to Arkady Volsky, a senior member of the Russian delegation who travelled to a secret location in rebel-held territory on Sunday.

95.   Edwards may now also testify to federal prosecutors about senior members of the bank to whom she reported, raising possible problems for her former superiors.

96.   Enter Levin, a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee, who is one of the fence-sitters and has long wrestled with trade issues.

97.   Fowler is the first senior member of the Mohegans to break with the tribe over the issue of profit-taking from Mohegan Sun.

98.   Gelbard congratulated some Colombian law enforcement officials for arresting last year six of seven senior members of the Cali cartel.

99.   Frist said his freshmen colleagues never pressured him to vote against the nomination, but he did have pressure from several senior members.

100.   Gingrich has used the freshmen like shock troopers to harass the Democratic minority and to browbeat some more senior members of his own majority who wavered on some issues.

a. + member >>共 559
family 20.27%
council 4.96%
new 4.77%
party 4.10%
cabinet 3.21%
former 3.01%
union 3.00%
permanent 2.99%
the 2.80%
senior 2.26%
senior + n. >>共 459
official 25.50%
officer 4.38%
government 3.90%
executive 3.02%
member 2.90%
leader 2.39%
year 2.27%
administration 2.24%
aide 2.19%
adviser 2.04%
每页显示:    共 789