91.   Republican leaders scheduled votes on the temporary bills for Saturday morning and for Sunday evening to give the lawmakers the maximum amount of time to campaign.

92.   Republican senators later expressed regret about scheduling both votes on the same day.

93.   Republicans hope a House vote can be scheduled as early as June.

94.   Republicans immediately vowed to override the veto, scheduling a vote for next Thursday.

95.   Rep. Robert Matsui of California led the group in an impassioned plea to the leadership to schedule a vote, participants in the meeting said.

96.   Republican leaders in the Senate agreed to schedule votes next week on three separate resolutions dealing with the commitment of U.S. troops to Bosnia.

97.   Republican leaders had scheduled the vote for Thursday or Friday.

98.   Republicans refuse to allow an ethics panel to complete its investigation into the speaker of the House before scheduling a vote on his punishment.

99.   Scheduling any votes following passage of the spending measure would have been almost impossible.

100.   Senate leaders have not yet scheduled a vote on permanent normalization of trade relations with China, or PNTR.

v. + vote >>共 450
cast 7.47%
have 5.87%
win 4.73%
count 3.84%
take 3.82%
hold 3.24%
expect 3.08%
get 2.70%
schedule 2.67%
delay 2.09%
schedule + n. >>共 726
meeting 10.76%
hearing 9.92%
talk 5.17%
vote 4.28%
game 3.50%
election 3.44%
service 2.03%
funeral 2.01%
session 1.80%
trial 1.67%
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