91.   Goodling said the ruling is unfair to employers.

92.   Green sought a hand recount, but the canvassing board rejected her request, ruling there was no indication of fraud or a machine malfunction.

93.   Ginsburg said the majority ruling was both unconstitutional and unwise, that it set a poor example.

94.   He added that the ruling against Ouattara was irreversible.

95.   Halachic rulings are oral interpretations of religious law.

96.   He believed the ruling was so important that it should be unanimous and that the opinion should be written by the chief justice.

97.   He filed a counterclaim, saying that the arbitration ruling should be meaningless because he was not invited to participate.

98.   He said the ruling is not final while it is subject to appeal.

99.   He says the ruling was a victory for record industry executives, not artists.

100.   He said court rulings on affirmative action are likely to affect selective private universities like Columbia as well as public ones.

n. + be >>共 1635
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official 0.55%
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ruling 0.05%
ruling + v. >>共 501
be 17.48%
come 6.60%
mean 4.16%
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affect 2.70%
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say 2.18%
make 2.16%
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