91.   But Floyd fanatics will appreciate hearing Waters, one of the most dour and publicity-shy rock stars, discuss his most personal opus at length.

92.   But by the standards of the computing world, Gelernter is a rock star.

93.   But Christopher, who said he would rather be a rock star or a cartoonist, was skeptical, muttering something about wanting an education.

94.   But here, at last, is a rock star who is using irony the right way.

95.   But it seems that only rock stars can get away with rock-star behavior.

96.   But one would have no clue that Clinton is being treated like a rock star by people in the streets.

97.   But Softley does manage to invest these kids with the sexy qualities usually reserved for rock stars.

98.   But what if the rock star your daughter is in love with is too radical for words?

99.   But unlike rock stars, they have a bearing and dignity that commands respect.

100.   Charting the careers of rock stars, it often focuses on stories of losers and comebacks.

n. + star >>共 572
rock 12.30%
football 8.47%
soccer 7.72%
tennis 6.59%
basketball 6.39%
sport 3.89%
track 2.74%
baseball 2.54%
guest 2.28%
television 2.19%
rock + n. >>共 660
star 12.86%
band 12.47%
music 7.54%
concert 6.43%
group 4.40%
formation 2.98%
musician 2.06%
singer 1.78%
fan 1.36%
wall 1.25%
每页显示:    共 553