91.   The resolution also called on Bosnian Muslims, Croats and Serbs to refrain from laying mines in areas which they must hand over to others under the peace accord.

92.   The resolution also calls for strengthening U.N. peacekeeping troops -- with soldiers pledged by Islamic nations -- and streamlined procedures for quick NATO airstrikes against Bosnian Serbs.

93.   The resolution also will call for international arbitration of a territorial dispute between Iran and the Emirates.

94.   The resolution called for an investigation and urged Kuchma to nominate a State Property Fund director within a week, Interfax said.

95.   The resolution called for Nakajima to be given instead the honorary position of Director General Emeritus on full pay.

96.   The resolution called on China to release political prisoners, improve its impartiality in administration of justice, and cooperate with U.N. human rights experts.

97.   The resolution called on the government to take steps to protect lawyers and human rights workers.

98.   The resolution called on the Iranian government to ensure that capital punishment is only imposed for the most serious crimes, and also called for religious tolerance.

99.   The resolution calls for full solidarity with the United States and NATO, including military support if necessary.

100.   The resolution calls for speedy repatriation of Palestinian refugees to their original homes for those who choose to return and compensation for those who do not.

n. + call >>共 869
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resolution 0.77%
resolution + v. >>共 352
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