91.   The defectors had written to Saddam requesting permission to return home.

92.   The Defense Department, in its Nuclear Posture Review, requested permission to develop of a bomb that could demolish a fortified, underground military facility.

93.   The government is requesting permission from the European Commission to refer the bid to the MMC.

94.   The lodging of a letter requesting the permission is a formality required to receive a royally-sponsored bathing ceremony or royally-sponsored funeral, Boonsom said.

95.   The pilot contacted the Cairo tower, told officials the plane had been hijacked and requested permission to fly through Egyptian airspace to Rome, he said.

96.   The pilot contacted the Cairo control tower, told officials the plane had been hijacked and requested permission to fly through Egyptian airspace to Rome, he said.

97.   The report said INS officials knew the pair had previously requested permission to become students and should have presented student visas, not tourist visas.

98.   The thief radioed the tower at the Norwood airport Sunday morning requesting permission to take off.

99.   The U.S. Embassy in Brunei has requested permission from Washington to allow its staff temporarily to leave the smog-choked capital, the U.S. Ambassador said Monday.

100.   The wife of a jailed labor activist plans to request legal permission to stage a sit-in demanding better prison conditions for her husband.

v. + permission >>共 93
give 18.20%
seek 12.29%
receive 11.34%
grant 8.99%
have 6.81%
obtain 6.21%
get 5.51%
ask 4.91%
refuse 4.33%
request 3.08%
request + n. >>共 775
anonymity 14.65%
meeting 4.13%
information 3.63%
extradition 3.46%
help 2.74%
permission 2.66%
comment 2.64%
asylum 2.10%
assistance 1.73%
interview 1.32%
每页显示:    共 122