91.   On the Democratic side, former state legislator and Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Debbie Stabenow has the best chance of knocking off a Republican incumbent, Michigan Rep. Dick Chrysler.

92.   Only one Republican incumbent, Hank Brown of Colorado, has announced he will retire, although a few others remain possibilities.

93.   One statewide race remained undecided Wednesday night, although Rowland said he had been told that the Republican incumbent had lost.

94.   Only one Republican incumbent has said he will step down.

95.   Police endorsements of Republican incumbents are typically pro forma events intended to underscore the advantage Republicans tend to have on the crime issue.

96.   Republican incumbents, meanwhile, are scrambling to hold on to their seats.

97.   Republican incumbents are retiring in Minnesota and Wyoming, and polls show Gorton and Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont., with low levels of support.

98.   Republican incumbents also won in Arkansas, Arizona, Connecticut, Kansas, South Dakota, Tennessee and Wyoming.

99.   Republican incumbents Tim Hutchinson of Arkansas, Jesse Helms of North Carolina and Robert Smith of New Hampshire are viewed as beatable.

100.   Sanchez may sound more Republican than the Republican incumbent, but the more politically experienced Perry knows the potential pitfalls of making absolute promises.

a. + incumbent >>共 156
democratic 24.48%
republican 22.82%
popular 3.87%
congressional 3.18%
vulnerable 2.21%
longtime 2.21%
current 1.52%
black 1.52%
the 1.24%
only 1.11%
republican + n. >>共 565
leader 10.41%
candidate 7.25%
nomination 3.53%
senator 3.03%
nominee 2.80%
governor 2.69%
majority 2.60%
leadership 2.46%
lawmaker 2.42%
primary 1.81%
incumbent 0.69%
每页显示:    共 164