91.   Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott met with a special Russian envoy, but no concrete results were reported.

92.   Department stores reported weak results.

93.   Deutsche Bank AG reports its results tomorrow.

94.   Employees were also invited to publicly pledge to try ideas they found appealing and report their results.

95.   Dutch researchers report the results of a trial that compared conventional chemotherapy with the new high-dose regimen.

96.   Encouraging results have been reported in studies of nevirapine by American and Ugandan scientists, and studies and monitoring are continuing.

97.   Financial results will be reported sometime in March.

98.   Except for Charles Schwab and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, most firms reported results that were better than expected.

99.   Finally, the results will be reported to the Central Election Commission, whose chairman, Nikolai Ryabov, was appointed to the panel by President Boris Yeltsin.

100.   First National is privately held and does not report corporate results.

v. + result >>共 506
expect 9.68%
announce 5.60%
produce 5.52%
report 4.55%
release 4.40%
get 2.75%
await 2.74%
see 2.42%
have 2.37%
yield 2.08%
report + n. >>共 740
injury 5.23%
incident 4.03%
earnings 3.52%
casualty 3.05%
result 2.78%
death 2.71%
newspaper 2.31%
case 2.30%
progress 2.24%
problem 2.09%
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