91.   Repeat process with remaining pastry and Brie rounds.

92.   Repeat the process for the bean sprouts and carrots.

93.   Repeat the process with the remaining oil and fish.

94.   Repeat the process with the remaining shrimp.

95.   Repeat this process and begin walking away from the dog after he is seated.

96.   Repeat this process until you have a cohesive dough, which will take about six repetitions.

97.   Repeat process with potatoes, onion, seasoning, parsley and sauce, and finish with remaining cheese.

98.   Repeat process with remaining butter and gnocchi.

99.   Repeat process with remaining cookie dough.

100.   Repeat the process as you cover the entire area.

v. + process >>共 817
begin 6.72%
start 3.63%
repeat 3.61%
complete 3.24%
speed 2.26%
accelerate 2.21%
delay 2.04%
use 2.01%
slow 1.66%
streamline 1.36%
repeat + n. >>共 703
call 5.84%
process 4.05%
mistake 2.29%
demand 2.17%
warning 2.06%
question 2.02%
claim 1.92%
pattern 1.55%
story 1.45%
procedure 1.40%
每页显示:    共 195