91.   The Cologne group Medical Mondiale said it received rape reports by telephone from aid workers in countries such as Albania, where refugees had fled.

92.   The delegates said they would call for an immediate humanitarian cease-fire, to let refugees flee.

93.   The Hutu refugees fled Rwanda three years ago to escape retribution for the Hutu-orchestrated slaughter of at least half a million minority Tutsis and politically moderate Hutus.

94.   The Hutu refugees fled into Zaire and Tanzania just before a Tutsi-led rebel force expelled the former regime and established its own government in Kigali.

95.   The Hutu refugees had fled into the former Zaire to escape reprisals when Tutsi rebels overthrew the government in Rwanda.

96.   The influx may further swell as refugees flee fighting in the Serb province of Kosovo.

97.   The Hutu refugees fled to neighboring countries, generally organized and encouraged by local officials who had participated in the killings.

98.   The International Red Cross has reached a valley in Drenica where many refugees fled, but clashes have stalled their aid efforts.

99.   The mostly Muslim Rakhine refugees fled repression and atrocities by Burmese troops three years ago, seeking safety in already overcrowded Bangladesh.

100.   The Muslim refugees fled Burma, complaining of harassment by the military junta, which is predominantly Buddhist.

n. + flee >>共 570
thousand 5.36%
resident 4.94%
refugee 4.88%
people 4.46%
gunman 4.06%
man 3.85%
attacker 3.73%
investor 3.60%
family 3.46%
assailant 3.14%
refugee + v. >>共 618
be 13.58%
say 7.18%
return 6.79%
flee 4.54%
have 3.73%
begin 2.20%
arrive 1.83%
tell 1.77%
continue 1.74%
come 1.56%
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