91.   In the case of Italy that meant pension reforms, and for France reforms including the sale of state companies because growth and tax revenue were weak.

92.   AFL-CIO President John Sweeney said the reforms should include legalization of many undocumented workers and reformed guest worker programs.

93.   The reforms include lowering export taxes on coffee and cocoa and more efficiency and openness about its agricultural stabilization fund and operations on its internal and external market.

94.   The reforms include privatisation of some public enterprises and officials have called for measures to upgrade capital markets for this purpose.

95.   The reforms include privatisation, boosting the non-oil sector and improvement of investment laws.

96.   The planned reforms include boosting presidential powers and banning religious parties, while preserving Islam as the state religion and Arabic as the official language.

97.   The popular daily La Derniere Heure said the reforms should include stiffer sentencing guidelines and prison sentences without remission for the most serious offenses.

98.   The reforms include changing the rate structures for both individual income taxes and local taxes by lifting the threshholds at which taxpayers move up into higher tax brackets.

99.   The reforms include privatisation and improvement of investment laws.

100.   The reforms include privatisations, improvement of investment laws, development of stock markets and incentives for the private sector.

n. + include >>共 1161
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list 1.51%
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measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
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reform 0.27%
reform + v. >>共 439
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