91.   In such cases, the goal is to slow the tumor growth by reducing testosterone levels, through either removing the testicles or giving hormone-suppressing medications.

92.   In the end, Disney reduced the level of its involvement with Netscape, afraid to lose its position on the Windows desktop.

93.   In the past few years, the Northeast has made steady progress at reducing smog levels, mainly because newer cars pollute dramatically less than older models.

94.   In this stubborn new environment, though, they were reducing the level of payment.

95.   Industry often argued that there was insufficient evidence for adverse health effects and cited the cost and feasibility of trying to reduce asbestos levels in their plants.

96.   It also reduces bacteria levels so that the oysters stay fresh longer than untreated oysters do.

97.   Japanese companies often slow the growth of their labor forces rather than reduce overall levels, he said.

98.   Last month, Whitman revived her plan to cut auto insurance rates by allowing consumers to reduce their level of coverage.

99.   Lupron reduces levels of testosterone but only after a spike in testosterone that can last for up to two weeks.

100.   Medicine is used to reduce uric acid levels, but diet can have some effects.

v. + level >>共 677
reach 10.54%
raise 6.19%
reduce 4.85%
have 4.26%
increase 3.33%
lower 2.52%
maintain 2.45%
show 1.92%
approach 1.83%
find 1.68%
reduce + n. >>共 743
number 6.05%
cost 5.89%
risk 4.45%
amount 2.18%
heat 1.64%
demand 1.64%
debt 1.62%
size 1.50%
emission 1.48%
rate 1.32%
level 1.01%
每页显示:    共 269