91.   Security was intense in New Delhi on Friday, with police checking traffic along all key access routes to the city as a nationwide red alert remained in force.

92.   Since then, Azeri troops have been on red alert in the region.

93.   Sri Lankan police and security forces were placed on red alert Wednesday as dozens of political parties and trade unions began celebrations marking international labour day, officials said.

94.   The army went on red alert along the border and the population awaited to see if orders would be given to take to bomb shelters.

95.   The army was on red alert.

96.   The army, which was on red alert, ordered people living near the border into their bomb shelters and to stay there for the night fearing further attacks.

97.   The army was on red alert along the border and the population waited to see if orders would be given to take to bomb shelters.

98.   The army was on red alert and deployed reinforcements at roadblocks in Hebron.

99.   The army went on red alert and deployed reinforcements in the West Bank city where roadblocks and checkpoints were increased.

100.   The English football authorities and police are back on red alert following the violence in Dublin on Wednesday but this potentially explosive clash passed off without major incident.

a. + alert >>共 173
high 33.98%
full 9.93%
heightened 7.09%
red 6.01%
general 4.99%
maximum 4.48%
highest 1.87%
nationwide 1.87%
special 1.70%
military 1.36%
red + n. >>共 798
wine 6.36%
card 4.82%
rose 2.07%
hair 2.02%
brick 1.92%
clay 1.54%
line 1.54%
onion 1.32%
zone 1.25%
alert 1.04%
每页显示:    共 105