91.   Some analysts say export growth could moderate in the months ahead as recent increases in the dollar make U.S. products more expensive overseas.

92.   Still, there are signs that the recent increases are now coming through in the producer price of many goods before they reach the consumer level.

93.   Stock prices have not been bothered by the recent increase in energy costs.

94.   That could change in coming months if recent increases in interest rates boost the currency, he said.

95.   That is less than in most other parts of the country, but that did not stop customers from complaining about recent increases.

96.   The association attributed the latest gain to consumer confidence in the economy and mortgage rates that remain favorable despite recent increases.

97.   The bank said it took the action to counter the rise in inflation signaled by recent increases in producer prices and industrial production rates.

98.   The amount of planned sales is relatively small because many companies are reluctant to sell bonds after recent increases in borrowing rates.

99.   The Clinton administration hailed the low bids as a sign that a recent increase in supply and drop in prices eased tight market conditions.

100.   The Food and Drug Administration is investigating a recent increase in deaths linked to the diabetes drug Rezulin, a spokesman said Tuesday.

a. + increase >>共 714
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significant 3.47%
slight 2.78%
large 2.70%
further 2.58%
recent 2.57%
dramatic 2.56%
sales 2.56%
huge 2.33%
recent + n. >>共 673
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day 6.38%
poll 1.39%
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