91.   Payment for oxygen services for people receiving home care would be reduced.

92.   People who go into cardiac arrest must receive medical care within four to six minutes to have a good chance of surviving, emergency physicians said.

93.   Patients increasingly receive care from places outside the hospital and insurers are pressuring hospitals to lower costs by limiting patient stays.

94.   Patients receiving care at the urgent care center will be referred to a primary-care physician, usually at one of the community clinics, for follow-up care.

95.   Patients will be required to produce their national identity cards to receive such care.

96.   Poor women also received substandard care after being diagnosed for cancer, the study found.

97.   Patients receiving comprehensive care also were screened for heart disease and received instruction about health risks and proper diet.

98.   Patients who receive ongoing care from specialists would be able to go straight to them without getting a referral from a primary care physician for every visit.

99.   People who have had access to the prisoners say that aside from the rigorous daily interrogations, they are receiving adequate care.

100.   Rumsfeld said that Zubaydah was receiving medical care for three bullet wounds and that the United States was intent on keeping him alive.

v. + care >>共 361
provide 13.11%
take 12.05%
receive 7.00%
need 5.12%
get 3.99%
require 3.37%
seek 3.07%
improve 2.97%
manage 2.94%
help 2.34%
receive + n. >>共 867
treatment 3.30%
money 2.70%
letter 2.58%
report 2.41%
threat 2.22%
call 2.15%
support 2.06%
approval 1.83%
complaint 1.55%
information 1.49%
care 0.53%
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