91.   Men might rape black women or keep them as concubines, but to marry them would confer legal equality.

92.   Newspapers reported that the woman had been raped, which is atypical of an organized terrorist act by Islamic fundamentalists.

93.   Nonetheless, the goal of insulating the Orthodox community intensified this winter when a young Jewish woman was raped and another was attacked.

94.   Next a woman is raped and murdered by a group of bored teens, who decide murdering the pope would be the ultimate high.

95.   Nuba women are systematically raped by Arab soldiers in order to produce non-Nuba offspring.

96.   On one wall there was a crudely painted picture of a Serb soldier raping a woman dressed in a KLA uniform.

97.   Once a reader berated us for not informing the public that a man who had raped several women in northeast Fort Worth was black.

98.   One woman was raped in her apartment in Budd Lake, N.J., three years ago.

99.   Rape a woman.

100.   Police say both women were raped and Urs was badly beaten before she was able to escape, leaving her daughter inside.

v. + woman >>共 742
kill 5.19%
include 4.20%
rape 2.70%
see 1.95%
injure 1.72%
take 1.50%
treat 1.44%
marry 1.38%
help 1.28%
arrest 1.27%
rape + n. >>共 97
woman 43.65%
girl 16.32%
child 4.59%
victim 2.90%
thousand 2.18%
daughter 2.06%
boy 1.69%
schoolgirl 1.57%
wife 1.57%
student 1.45%
每页显示:    共 359