91.   Air traffic was crippled as rain water overflowed the tarmac and dumped mud and gravel on landing strips.

92.   As they waited here, the refugees were busy unfolding plastic sheeting and placing pails under the roof of the school, hoping to catch dripping rain water.

93.   The rain waters inundated many low-lying areas, leaving thousands of shanty dwellers homeless.

94.   The rain waters have left thousands of mostly poor people homeless across India.

95.   The Yellow River is fed by rain waters.

96.   They had been built illegally in a valley where rain water flowed.

97.   They had been built illegally on valley where rain water flowed.

98.   Vilkamo said the institute had learned that rain water leaked into the turbine room during the maintenance being conducted on the reactor.

99.   Where the children had stood, small puddles of blood-stained rain water remained next to a skipping rope and two pairs of soaking wet house slippers.

100.   It is the rainy season here now, which means there is rain water every day even if the refugees are not near rivers and have no jerrycans.

n. + water >>共 460
flood 19.56%
sea 8.17%
river 5.38%
ocean 4.58%
rain 3.99%
spring 3.59%
lake 2.09%
irrigation 1.50%
shore 1.47%
pasta 1.28%
rain + n. >>共 254
shower 25.63%
delay 15.85%
water 6.19%
cloud 5.06%
storm 3.58%
gear 2.44%
fall 1.76%
squall 1.59%
tire 1.25%
fell 1.19%
每页显示:    共 108