91.   The antennas send out radio signals to the battery in the card, and the card sends a response.

92.   The belt pack transmits the radio signal, digitally encoded to prevent the opposing team from learning key secrets, to a central receiver-transmitter on the sidelines.

93.   The central controller triggers the device with a radio signal, causing it to generate a click of ultrasound.

94.   The collected radio signals from space are transmitted via fiber optics from the telescope receiver to a control room and observatory about a mile away.

95.   The Canadian government is considering changing its laws to allow restaurants, theaters, hospitals and other private companies to silence cell phones by jamming radio signals.

96.   The doorbell works by sending a radio signal from the transmitter to the remote receiver.

97.   The frequencies allocated to radio astronomers span the very faint radio signals emitted by hydroxyl ions, which are ubiquitous in the solar system and in deep space.

98.   The FAA wants to eventually abandon radio beacons, called VHF omnidirectional radios, which send a radio signal to each degree on the compass.

99.   The ground stations will use tracking programs to compare the exact distance to a GPS satellite with the range implied by its radio signal.

100.   The key, he said, was to use radio signals to transmit both information and entertainment.

n. + signal >>共 312
radio 17.40%
hand 7.32%
television 5.75%
satellite 5.43%
danger 3.39%
radar 2.91%
nerve 2.13%
pain 1.81%
stop 1.65%
telephone 1.65%
radio + n. >>共 387
station 29.37%
report 7.58%
show 4.63%
broadcast 3.67%
interview 3.31%
address 3.21%
contact 2.67%
program 2.28%
host 2.01%
signal 1.63%
每页显示:    共 220