91.   Several classmates recalled that it was trendier to belong to the Students for a Democratic Society, a radical group.

92.   Shaath said Arafat tried at meetings this week to control Hamas and other radical groups by appealing to Palestinian unity.

93.   She had belonged to a radical group that supported the Allende government, but she said she never did anything more extreme than to plaster walls with posters.

94.   Smith has countered by asserting that Bruggere is a tool of radical environmental groups.

95.   Some have made their way to radical religious groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

96.   Some radical Jewish groups believe the mosques should be razed to make room for a new Jewish temple.

97.   Some instructors even refuse to get too friendly with students anymore, for fear that they may be working for a radical group on the left or right.

98.   Thaci has long ties to radical groups that called for the violent overthrow of the government in Belgrade.

99.   Still, the radical groups do have influence, punching above their weight in a nation where posturing and aggressiveness are political tools.

100.   That e-mail specifically mentioned Soubra and identified him as a member of a London-based radical group known as Al-Muhajiroun.

a. + group >>共 680
militant 5.43%
small 4.11%
islamic 3.72%
environmental 3.57%
ethnic 3.46%
terrorist 2.12%
the 2.11%
religious 1.85%
armed 1.77%
paramilitary 1.68%
radical 1.45%
radical + n. >>共 726
group 20.06%
change 8.77%
movement 3.42%
faction 3.15%
reform 2.84%
student 2.43%
leader 1.65%
departure 1.30%
organization 1.19%
guerrilla 1.09%
每页显示:    共 968