91.   Racial profiling is the practice by which some police offers target racial minorities for traffic stops, and Gore and Bradley both said firmly that they are against it.

92.   Also, site owners will be asked to respect a code of conduct to protect the rights of young people and racial minorities and to curb violent images.

93.   As Irish president Robinson won a reputation for championing the rights of underprivileged groups including single mothers, racial minorities and traveling Gypsies.

94.   Children in racial minority groups were more than twice as likely than white children to live in extended families, the report said.

95.   Critics say current sentencing laws are unfair to those who handle crack, which is cheaper than powder and more likely to be used by members of racial minorities.

96.   Groups representing vegetarians and racial minorities say the advisory committee that wrote the revision is biased toward the meat and dairy industries.

97.   He backs abortion rights, supports some gun control and sees the benefit of programs that favor racial minorities.

98.   Sometime next fall, the justices will hear the latest challenge to a highway construction program that offered incentives to big companies to hire subcontractors owned by racial minorities.

99.   The department also is studying whether racial minorities unfairly get more federal death sentences than white offenders.

100.   The groups have been accused of beating members of racial minorities, desecrating Jewish cemeteries and bombing synagogues, although few have ever been convicted.

a. + minority >>共 591
ethnic 20.06%
small 5.10%
albanian 3.60%
tamil 3.11%
large 3.00%
white 2.78%
tiny 2.61%
religious 2.59%
racial 2.32%
serb 2.12%
racial + n. >>共 634
discrimination 7.89%
tension 5.95%
slur 4.77%
hatred 3.49%
epithet 2.96%
line 2.58%
issue 2.47%
bias 2.36%
preference 1.84%
minority 1.78%
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