91.   A North Korean foreign ministry spokesman was quoted by the Korean Central News Agency as saying that Hwang was abducted.

92.   A Russian military spokesman was quoted by Interfax news agency as saying that Maskhadov had agreed by telephone to have the weapons returned.

93.   A Tibetan government spokesman was quoted as saying the travel agencies had been closed because of financial irregularities, too low pricing and poor professional quality, TIN said.

94.   An agriculture ministry spokesman was quoted as saying his ministry had asked the economics ministry to provide all documentation relating to the imports.

95.   An Immigration Department spokesman was quoted as saying hundreds of spouse applicants were rejected every year because they could not satisfy the department their relationship was bona fide.

96.   And a Babcock spokesman was quoted as saying the talks with Northrop centrd on a commercial partnership to sell HDW products in the US.

97.   But there were no redundancy plans in Germany, the spokesman was quoted as saying.

98.   During his holiday Yeltsin would continue working on official documents, Interfax quoted the spokesman as saying.

99.   Doctors would first examine Ecevit at home and then take him to hospital for a comprehensive check-up, Anatolia news agency quoted spokesman Cem Avci as saying.

100.   Dudayev has asked his representatives in Moscow to begin negotiations with Russian Premier Viktor Chernomyrdin, reported Moscow Echo, quoting Dudayev spokesman Movladi Udugov.

v. + spokesman >>共 171
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quote 4.71%
police 1.32%
add 0.86%
have 0.68%
identify 0.53%
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quote + n. >>共 566
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official 15.26%
police 5.47%
witness 5.30%
spokesman 2.79%
report 1.73%
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