91.   Usually, delegations from states hosting the early contests in the primary season are wooed four years ahead of time by prospective candidates.

92.   While Black maintains a disciplined approach to investing, he still gets fired up by prospective takeover candidates.

93.   Why do you have someone in your organization calling prospective coaching candidates when you already have a coach?

94.   While the New Hampshire primary is still two years away, some prospective Repubican candidates are already hard at work in the Granite State.

95.   With that yardstick in mind, campaign strategists have analyzed the fund-raising prowess of prospective candidates in remarkable detail.

96.   With the presidential field shaping up earlier than ever before, Kosovo presents the prospective candidates with their first crucial issue test.

97.   Polls show him in the top handful of prospective candidates, with no clear front-runner.

98.   Porter said he made his announcement Tuesday, two months before the filing deadline for the Illinois primary, to give prospective candidates time to prepare their campaigns.

99.   A poll released Tuesday showed Primakov topping the list of prospective presidential candidates.

100.   After an ensuing Cabinet reshuffle, Luzhkov was named among prospective candidates for prime minister, but Yeltsin instead chose Yevgeny Primakov in September.

a. + candidate >>共 485
presidential 17.01%
republican 7.08%
democratic 4.93%
leading 3.97%
the 3.30%
potential 2.36%
likely 2.16%
possible 2.04%
only 1.76%
independent 1.71%
prospective 0.59%
prospective + n. >>共 547
buyer 10.96%
juror 6.56%
candidate 4.66%
member 4.41%
employer 3.18%
parent 3.05%
investor 2.96%
customer 2.77%
employee 2.70%
student 2.44%
每页显示:    共 144