91.   The proposal is a clear expression of local preference supported by local planning authorities.

92.   Which says that the proposal is a clear expression of local preference supported by the local planning authorities.

93.   There are proposals for a number of bypasses which are relatively limited, erm throughout the majority of its length it will remain single carriageway.

94.   There are already proposals er to widen sections of the M sixty two to four lanes.

95.   The proposal really is what er do you have a policy which is not in line with P P G guidance.

96.   But the civil rights organisation, Liberty, says the proposals would be unworkable and would violate the European Convention on Human Rights.

97.   The organisation Liberty claims the proposals are in breach of international law.

98.   The original proposal was to make this a duel carriageway, but the plan was shelved to save money.

99.   Their proposal is then likely to go before a public inquiry.

100.   At a meeting tomorrow a proposal will be put forward that the car park revert back to female use for the time being.

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