91.   The two neighbors each carried out nuclear tests last year, prompting criticism from throughout the world.

92.   The war is very unpopular, and has prompted strong criticism of Yeltsin from former political allies, foreign leaders and ordinary Russians.

93.   There were five children in his car at the time, a fact which prompted harsh criticism from Bosnia Serb hardliners and moderates alike on Sunday.

94.   There were five children in his car at the time, a fact which prompted harsh criticism from Bosnia Serb hard-liners and moderates alike on Sunday.

95.   U.N. commanders rejected Bangladeshi pleas for NATO air support, prompting strong criticism from the alliance and further rifts between the two organizations over how to proceed in Bosnia.

96.   While acknowledging that his talk of religion has prompted criticism in recent months, Lieberman said the reproaches have only emboldened him.

97.   France was supported by at least four of other European nations, prompting criticism that they were putting trade with China before moral considerations.

98.   In January, Axworthy traveled to Cuba, prompting criticism from the United States.

99.   Iranian President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani arrived Thursday in South Africa on a two-day state visit that has prompted political criticism at home and abroad.

100.   A controversial new nuclear reprocessing plant came onstream on Thursday at the British Sellafield site, prompting fresh criticism of the facility.

v. + criticism >>共 525
draw 19.80%
face 7.91%
reject 4.39%
dismiss 4.06%
follow 2.18%
deflect 1.96%
spark 1.89%
take 1.89%
prompt 1.80%
avoid 1.56%
prompt + n. >>共 1034
speculation 4.39%
concern 4.07%
call 2.89%
protest 2.88%
criticism 2.08%
authority 1.97%
fear 1.84%
investigation 1.57%
change 1.53%
decision 1.44%
每页显示:    共 112