91.   Problems caused by kava use have prompted new calls for the substance to be banned, or greater controls placed on its trade.

92.   Repeated mud slide tragedies during typhoon season have prompted calls for tighter rules on development of slope land.

93.   Renewed violence between rebel supporters and state police prompted calls Sunday to revive stagnant peace talks in the southeastern state of Chiapas.

94.   Russia regards NATO as a serious threat, and raids against Yugoslavia have prompted calls for increasing defense spending and developing the military.

95.   That has prompted some calls for speeding up the introduction of euro coins and bills so that Europeans will begin getting used to their new currency.

96.   That, plus the recent slaying of prominent human rights lawyer Digna Ochoa in October, have prompted loud calls for government action on human rights.

97.   The accident prompted calls in some quarters, including among Communist hardliners, to close down the bases.

98.   Television images of Omarska shocked the world and prompted calls from the international community for intervention to stop the Balkan atrocities.

99.   The announcement prompted renewed calls from Jewish groups for compensation.

100.   The arrest of four foreigners on charges of sexually abusing children has spotlighted the problem of boy prostitution and prompted calls for tougher penalties.

v. + call >>共 429
return 18.14%
make 10.49%
get 6.41%
receive 6.16%
reject 3.91%
renew 2.76%
take 2.74%
answer 2.61%
repeat 2.03%
heed 1.73%
prompt 1.13%
prompt + n. >>共 1034
speculation 4.39%
concern 4.07%
call 2.89%
protest 2.88%
criticism 2.08%
authority 1.97%
fear 1.84%
investigation 1.57%
change 1.53%
decision 1.44%
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