91.   Drug companies adamantly oppose price controls, saying they would choke off the revenues needed to finance research and reward investors.

92.   Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham insisted that price controls would make shortages worse by reducing power sales into the state.

93.   Ending price controls and devaluing the bolivar will cause a rapid acceleration in inflation.

94.   Even with such price controls as those in Canada, Quirion and others like her still would spend much of their income on prescriptions, they say.

95.   Federal regulators summoned the courage to impose price controls, thus reducing incentives for manipulation.

96.   Feinstein plans to introduce a bill later this month to force FERC to impose temporary wholesale price controls on energy sold in the Western states.

97.   FERC has since imposed temporary price controls in California and New York to hold down costs for consumers.

98.   Farmers have done well as the price of rice has more than doubled with the abolition of price controls.

99.   For months, federal regulators refused to impose price controls, preferring instead to let supply and demand determine costs.

100.   For months, the agency had resisted aggressive price controls in the West, preferring to let the market run its course.

n. + control >>共 839
government 10.75%
price 6.52%
border 6.02%
arm 4.73%
traffic 3.06%
export 2.61%
air 2.46%
pollution 2.31%
cost 2.15%
crowd 2.11%
price + n. >>共 361
increase 14.28%
hike 5.14%
control 4.74%
rise 4.71%
cut 4.58%
competition 2.85%
range 2.65%
pressure 2.58%
decline 2.46%
cap 2.36%
每页显示:    共 479