91.   And some executives say the pressure for Japanese companies to move factories out of Japan will continue.

92.   And that growing sense of instability adds to the pressure for a peace process in Germany next week to move quickly.

93.   And that makes a big difference in the pressure for an arms race.

94.   And in a concession to public pressure for more social freedoms, Khatami nominated Hojatoleslam Abdollah Nouri, considered moderate, as minister of the interior.

95.   And the pressure for this broadening is coming not only from spouses, but also from families, business partners and others.

96.   Applying the pressure for the first time all game, the Capitals quickly broke the scoreless tie.

97.   Another contributor to the pressure for higher prices was continual if slow growth in the demand for dairy products, including milk itself.

98.   As a result, demand is likely to remain strong or intensify while pressure for wage increases is likely to grow.

99.   As a result, firefighters lack pressure for their hoses, cities spend more on electricity to pump water, and water hookup moratoriums halt new homes and businesses.

100.   Anticipating a strike, American is taking steps to increase the pressure for presidential involvement.

n. + for >>共 1471
spokesman 1.89%
support 1.76%
time 1.36%
plan 1.28%
money 0.91%
call 0.90%
way 0.79%
price 0.67%
candidate 0.66%
lawyer 0.65%
pressure 0.13%
pressure + p. >>共 65
on 42.49%
from 30.09%
for 5.67%
in 5.47%
over 2.23%
off 1.68%
to 1.55%
by 1.46%
at 1.23%
against 0.85%
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