91.   But whether the presidents will meet there or in Washington on a formal state visit has not been decided, Albright said.

92.   Clinton said it was only natural for him to wonder how other presidents would meet the challenges that he faces, and vice versa.

93.   Do the two presidents meet as adversaries or friends?

94.   Earlier, the president met with American business executives over breakfast, and went jogging.

95.   East African presidents met in Cairo last month and agreed to expedite the return of refugees, but have shown little success.

96.   Egypt and France are close allies, and their two presidents meet regularly.

97.   Even as the U.N. refugee agency resumed aid convoys, there was much doubt the Yugoslav president would meet demands and stop hostilities toward ethnic Albanians.

98.   Even as the U.N. refugee agency resumed aid convoys, skepticism was widespread that the Yugoslav president will meet international demands and refrain from further hostilities toward ethnic Albanians.

99.   French presidents since have met with popes in a private capacity.

100.   French president meets British prime minister.

n. + meet >>共 946
official 6.40%
leader 5.95%
team 3.82%
two 3.53%
end 3.22%
side 2.47%
group 2.33%
committee 2.31%
minister 2.23%
delegation 1.87%
president 1.66%
president + v. >>共 673
be 11.15%
say 7.53%
have 4.79%
make 2.04%
meet 1.35%
take 1.34%
want 1.26%
speak 1.06%
call 1.00%
sign 1.00%
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