91.   The findings were presented last weekend to a gathering of the American College of Cardiology.

92.   The findings were presented this month at a meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.

93.   The findings were presented Wednesday at the eighth annual Retrovirus Conference which ends today in Chicago.

94.   The findings are being presented at the International Astronomical Union meeting which opens Monday in Manchester, England.

95.   The findings were presented Sunday at the International Astronomical Union meeting in Manchester, England.

96.   The government should present its findings to the public after careful examination of the issues in relation to the national interest, and seek the opinions of the people.

97.   The goal is to present his findings to Congress and ask for change in school physical education, and rehabilitation for people like his documentary subjects.

98.   The General Accounting Office presented its findings at a hearing of a Senate Banking subcommittee.

99.   The independent counsel decided early on that he was not empowered to indict a sitting president and has been planning to present his findings to Congress for action.

100.   The House cannot take up its versions of health care legislation until Reischauer presents his findings.

v. + finding >>共 390
report 10.33%
present 8.25%
publish 5.22%
release 4.89%
confirm 4.25%
announce 3.21%
discuss 3.02%
dispute 2.47%
make 1.96%
accept 1.68%
present + n. >>共 1427
evidence 5.11%
case 4.16%
problem 3.92%
plan 3.06%
proposal 2.89%
report 2.85%
finding 2.78%
award 2.68%
challenge 2.03%
result 1.50%
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