91.   The practical effect of this regulatory explosion was to stifle economic growth, which choked off a lot of job creation.

92.   The practical effect would be to force many companies to consolidate the finances of partnerships or other entities onto their balance sheets.

93.   The practical effect can be positively shocking if you walk across a carpet, then touch a metal object such as a doorknob.

94.   The practical effect is more annoying than alarming.

95.   The U.S. Supreme Court generally refuses to rule in cases that seem moot, meaning their resolution would have no practical effect.

96.   The vote has no practical effect and comes from a union that has frequently clashed with the Giuliani administration over pay and other issues.

97.   The suit is unlikely to have much practical effect on the company, analysts said.

98.   There are two practical effects to listing an organization, a spokesman for the European Union said.

99.   Their split has the practical effect of ensuring that Pitt and Roberts spend most of the film apart, sharing scenes only at the start and finish.

100.   They said the practical effect of such a compromise would be to set tariff levels so low that they would be ineffectual.

a. + effect >>共 805
long-term 3.00%
negative 2.93%
immediate 2.88%
adverse 2.65%
positive 2.46%
same 2.34%
ill 2.11%
overall 1.57%
opposite 1.49%
possible 1.49%
practical 1.15%
practical + n. >>共 605
matter 6.49%
man 5.20%
purpose 3.74%
effect 3.44%
application 3.21%
reason 3.21%
term 2.91%
problem 2.77%
way 2.49%
advice 2.38%
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