91.   A proposal to give policy-making powers to the forum, putting professional expertise alongside political experience, was rejected by Mugabe.

92.   All had university degrees and extensive political experience.

93.   An Italian-born homemaker with little political experience has been named president of the Congress party, which the family she married into nurtured and led for decades.

94.   Asked why Israelis should vote for someone without political experience, Lipkin-Shahak pointed to his military leadership and the countless hours he logged in Cabinet meetings.

95.   Bringing in Cheney to steer the search will give the campaign a dose of Washington and national political experience.

96.   Buchanan, who has had trouble raising money in the GOP race, could not match that total but has more political experience than Trump.

97.   Despite fears that Megawati lacks the ability or political experience to be a successful president, she has surprised her detractors in the short time she has held office.

98.   Diaz has never held public office but has political experience as a fund-raiser.

99.   Despite having little political experience, Vike-Freiberga seems to have a deft touch.

100.   Emil Constantinescu, the Romanian opposition leader seeking to unseat incumbent President Ion Iliescu, is a low-key professor with little political experience.

a. + experience >>共 825
personal 3.28%
learning 2.36%
new 2.12%
previous 1.91%
similar 1.78%
past 1.70%
first 1.42%
extensive 1.40%
recent 1.29%
political 1.29%
political + n. >>共 919
party 6.88%
leader 2.98%
prisoner 1.59%
analyst 1.43%
system 1.09%
reform 1.07%
crisis 1.03%
opponent 0.97%
career 0.97%
issue 0.93%
experience 0.16%
每页显示:    共 146