91.   For many players, not talking the game while playing it would be like watching silent movies.

92.   For Sherrard, as for most of the competitors, playing the piano is just part of a much fuller life.

93.   For Patinkin, playing a neurotic is not what you call a stretch.

94.   For Sherman, playing the piano is really a matter of living life fully through the physical, psychological and spiritual act of making music.

95.   For musicians, playing has never been enough.

96.   For the moment, playing time is plentiful.

97.   For Troy Aikman, playing is a matter of rest vs. rust.

98.   From this point on the Jets are playing on emotion.

99.   Greg Rusedski, a Canadian-born Briton, says playing here can be a different kind of experience.

100.   Had Minnesota won, the Jets would be playing the Dolphins in Miami next weekend in the first round.

v. + be >>共 1472
be 2.59%
trade 2.09%
go 1.46%
fighting 1.32%
win 0.99%
do 0.97%
get 0.96%
fight 0.87%
have 0.80%
play 0.78%
play + v. >>共 195
be 48.10%
have 3.30%
out 2.92%
become 1.52%
seem 1.52%
make 1.40%
hurt 1.14%
well 0.89%
help 0.89%
time 0.89%
每页显示:    共 377