91.   Hopkins said she started laughing when she was first asked to perform the task, and her biggest problem so far has been convincing people that it is true.

92.   However, some hospitals are asking these unlicensed workers to perform tasks clearly delegated to licensed nurses under state law.

93.   However, they are being paid millions to perform basic tasks, unsuccessfully.

94.   If people could do it at home, certainly Microsoft or the PC manufacturers could perform the task at the factory.

95.   If you can perform the same task without crashing, you may have a driver or other system conflict.

96.   In addition to caring for patients, particularly the poor and uninsured, these doctors often handle paperwork, transport patients and perform tasks once delegated to others.

97.   In an era when some scientists are working on robots that can automatically rebuild themselves to perform different tasks, the Sandia minirobots are not brilliant performers.

98.   In addition to praying, the nuns perform physical tasks such as gardening, sewing habits, making fruit juice and cleaning.

99.   In performing this task, the computer determines what is important and what should be done next, much the same as a chess player.

100.   In the past, she had to rely on the help of store clerks and friends to shop for groceries and perform other tasks.

v. + task >>共 297
perform 13.94%
complete 8.22%
have 5.48%
accomplish 4.96%
do 4.77%
face 4.11%
handle 3.92%
complicate 3.21%
begin 2.60%
finish 2.36%
perform + n. >>共 763
surgery 7.15%
abortion 5.62%
task 4.47%
operation 3.65%
autopsy 3.57%
procedure 3.56%
duty 3.33%
test 3.27%
service 2.71%
work 2.62%
每页显示:    共 293