91.   Alongside a wage hike, the bill also improves the pension scheme for MPs.

92.   Also on Friday the lower house of the French parliament approved a reform to introduce private, capitalised pension schemes to companies in the private sector.

93.   Also on Friday the lower house of the French parliament gave preliminary approval to a plan introduce private, capitalised pension schemes to companies in the private sector.

94.   Despite the firmer closing, dealers said investors were cautious after the government announced it was reviewing the state-managed pension scheme, the Central Provident Fund.

95.   Establishing a sounder pension scheme and stepping up privatization are other initiatives that the market hopes will come from a right-wing parliament.

96.   The reform is intended to reduce sharply the cost of the state pension scheme which is extremely generous by international standards.

97.   They are the victims of a successful, profit-driven economy that still views with suspicion the mandatory pension schemes that protect the vulnerable old in developed countries.

98.   Until now almost all French employees have contributed solely to an overall pension scheme which uses current contributions to pay current pensions.

99.   It also calls on the government to review the current pension fund schemes.

100.   Juppe had already frozen the plan and in other concessions, has vowed not to touch railway and RATP pension schemes which enable them to retire early.

n. + scheme >>共 733
pyramid 11.79%
investment 11.27%
color 5.84%
pension 3.43%
kickback 1.95%
saving 1.91%
tax 1.27%
retirement 1.11%
fraud 1.02%
compensation 0.96%
pension + n. >>共 307
fund 35.77%
plan 13.13%
system 6.73%
benefit 4.17%
scheme 2.76%
reform 2.51%
payment 2.28%
money 1.79%
manager 1.59%
right 1.46%
每页显示:    共 110