91.   Thousands of Russian soldiers help patrol the border, where there are skirmishes almost daily.

92.   Thousands of Russian soldiers help the hard-line Dushanbe government patrol the border, where there are skirmishes almost daily.

93.   Three Russian soldiers patrolling the border of breakaway Chechnya were ambushed and killed Monday, a news report said.

94.   UNIKOM, which has also has a camp inside Iraq, patrols the border.

95.   Vajpayee said India and Pakistan should work together to patrol the border and verify that Islamic militants no longer were crossing into Indian controlled Kashmir to launch attacks.

96.   Vajpayee said India and Pakistan should work together to patrol the border and verify that Islamic militants no longer were crossing into Indian-controlled Kashmir to launch attacks.

97.   Vajpayee said India and Pakistan should work together to patrol the border and verify that Islamic militants were no longer crossing into Indian-controlled Kashmir to launch attacks.

98.   Venezuelan officials have complained that Colombia is doing little to patrol the border.

99.   UNIFIL troops have not patrolled the border.

100.   Ganic later annnounced that UNPROFOR was to begin patrolling the border between Bosnia and Croatia in the troubled Bihac region.

v. + border >>共 319
cross 36.99%
close 10.66%
seal 5.48%
open 4.32%
share 3.81%
patrol 2.58%
guard 1.86%
mark 1.70%
reopen 1.42%
straddle 1.37%
patrol + n. >>共 318
street 25.47%
area 11.86%
border 4.22%
city 3.69%
sky 3.08%
zone 2.89%
water 2.24%
road 2.13%
ground 1.90%
town 1.86%
每页显示:    共 110