91.   The versions of the bills in the Republican-controlled Senate face uncertain futures in the Democrat-controlled Assembly, which has passed stronger versions of both.

92.   There seems to be no prospect that in the next two or three weeks the Senate will pass any version of health care legislation.

93.   They noted that the Senate passed a version banning all gifts, though senators had been warned that such a measure could not pass the House.

94.   Thomas said he was confident because the House passed four versions of a malpractice reform bill in the last Congress, but they died in the Senate.

95.   While the full House has passed a version providing subsidies to private insurers that cover some drug costs, the Senate Finance Committee has not voted on a bill.

96.   When the House and Senate pass different versions of bills, the speaker assigns representatives to meet with senators to hammer out a final version.

97.   Yet other lawmakers pushed for controversial add-ons when the House and Senate passed their versions of the bill this year.

98.   But when Congress passed a modified version of the bill that he said was unacceptable, Marcos broke off all contacts with the government and disappeared.

99.   Differences between the two measures must be worked out before a joint version can be passed for the president to sign into law.

100.   Early this year, the House and Senate passed differing versions of the legislation with veto-proof margins.

v. + version >>共 493
pass 5.40%
offer 4.78%
have 3.29%
approve 2.60%
release 2.56%
use 2.53%
develop 2.49%
give 2.33%
produce 2.26%
introduce 2.14%
pass + n. >>共 635
law 12.48%
bill 11.10%
legislation 8.68%
resolution 4.22%
test 3.70%
measure 3.21%
muster 2.23%
ball 1.88%
budget 1.40%
judgment 1.31%
version 1.13%
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