91.   The defendants have blamed Palestinian terrorists for the attack.

92.   The Senate on Thursday lifted the parliamentary immunity of a nationalist lawmaker charged with spreading false information for claiming that Palestinian terrorists were allowed to train in Romania.

93.   The two have pleaded innocent, blaming Palestinian terrorists operating in Germany at the time of the attack.

94.   They blame Palestinian terrorists operating in Germany at the time of the attack.

95.   They have pleaded innocent, blaming Syrian-backed Palestinian terrorists for the attack.

96.   Though interim peace accords include extradition of suspected Palestinian terrorists to Israel, the Palestinian Authority has never turned over anyone but minor criminals.

97.   U.S. officials on Tuesday pressed the Italian government to re-capture the Palestinian terrorist convicted of killing an American during the Achille Lauro hijacking.

98.   United States officials are discussing what options they might have to get a newly released Palestinian terrorist into custody, a U.S. law enforcement official said.

99.   His escape has angered US authorities who have pressed Italian Prime Minister Lamberto Dini to take measures to ensure the recapture of the Palestinian terrorist.

100.   By contrast, the Palestinian terrorists had their rallies that day, too.

a. + terrorist >>共 419
suspected 23.28%
international 6.38%
islamic 4.52%
palestinian 4.16%
foreign 3.37%
potential 3.29%
alleged 2.85%
convicted 2.30%
arab 1.70%
accused 1.63%
palestinian + n. >>共 446
leader 12.34%
police 6.31%
official 5.80%
security 4.86%
state 3.45%
territory 3.30%
militant 2.67%
area 2.24%
self-rule 2.24%
gunman 2.23%
terrorist 0.21%
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