91.   Top-level Vatican officials and Orthodox leaders in Russia have signed an accord denouncing the intolerance and nationalism that have fed antagonism among believers.

92.   Three Orthodox leaders decided late Friday to recommend to the Moldovan government to legally recognize the Orthodox Bessarabia Metropolitan Church.

93.   Upon his arrival, the Patriarch was welcomed by Metropolitan Jovan, the Zagreb-based Orthodox leader.

94.   Word that exhumation would proceed brought protests last week from Orthodox Jewish leaders in Britain, the United States and Switzerland.

95.   Gorbachev later told the Interfax news agency he blamed supporters of communist candidate Gennady Zyuganov and orthodox communist leader Viktor Anpilov for the attack.

96.   His enthusiasm for the Palestinians prompted a call from an orthodox Jewish religious leader to stone and tar the rabbi.

97.   According to Jewish religious belief, disturbance of graves would be a profanation, and several orthodox Jewish leaders had gone to inspect the site, the radio said.

98.   An orthodox Jewish religious leader called Tuesday for the stoning and tarring of an ultra-orthodox rabbi who embraced PLO chairman Yasser Arafat in Jericho on Tuesday.

99.   An orthodox religious leader has threatened to force a no-confidence motion against the government to defend a civil servant who compared homosexuality to sex with animals.

100.   Orthodox leaders have also organised a series of demonstrations at the Modiin site.

a. + leader >>共 507
palestinian 8.27%
party 3.98%
political 3.64%
republican 3.27%
the 3.06%
union 2.96%
congressional 2.28%
religious 1.95%
military 1.80%
former 1.76%
orthodox 0.13%
orthodox + n. >>共 382
rabbi 8.18%
leader 5.74%
church 4.49%
priest 3.58%
party 2.56%
believer 2.39%
community 2.33%
tradition 2.16%
country 2.16%
woman 2.04%
每页显示:    共 100