91.   Other opposition parties include the Democratic Action Party and the former BN member Parti Bersatu Sabah.

92.   In February the combined opposition parties launched a peaceful stir aimed at restoring full democracy, organizing peaceful strikes and demonstrations.

93.   Opposition parties had withdrawn their candidates in October after the breakdown of tripartite talks and the lack of any prospect of a national conference.

94.   Such complacency was judged as the underlying cause of the poor performance of the other opposition parties, leading to the virtual political eclipse of the PRF and PDC.

95.   Here it was fiercely opposed by the Social Democratic Party of Japan, the largest opposition party, and the Japanese Communist Party.

96.   The main opposition party, the Democratic Progressive Party, openly campaigned for Taiwanese independence, defying stringent legal restrictions against such advocacy.

97.   Opposition parties were calling for fresh elections, and criticizing President Slobodan Milosevic for his handling of the military campaign.

98.   The Constitution, defining Romania as a democratic and social state and criticized by opposition parties as according too much power to the President, came into effect immediately.

99.   The move won the support of several opposition parties including ADEMA.

100.   These were the first opposition parties to be approved under the legislation of the previous October.

n. + party >>共 325
opposition 51.33%
dinner 4.23%
birthday 3.79%
minority 2.01%
coalition 1.94%
majority 1.44%
right-wing 1.41%
holiday 1.28%
center-right 1.10%
advance 0.93%
opposition + n. >>共 248
party 21.50%
leader 20.59%
group 9.11%
politician 4.35%
force 2.89%
lawmaker 2.79%
figure 2.62%
candidate 2.59%
member 2.51%
supporter 2.01%
每页显示:    共 5449