91.   The smart ones get it.

92.   The Silver Seraph earns the best parking spots in town, and it will make sure your loved one gets the attention that he or she deserves.

93.   The smart ones got out of the business when the phone stopped ringing.

94.   The two were together in Atlanta for four years, so each one knew what the other one was getting.

95.   Then the young ones got uppity.

96.   The unlucky ones will get the news by Wednesday.

97.   There were no term limits in his days, enabling him to serve three terms, and the last one gets the lowest marks from historians.

98.   There may come a time when this one gets the same treatment.

99.   They are strong horses, and this one is getting better.

100.   This one at least gets points for bitchiness instead of a high-handed tone.

n. + get >>共 1428
thing 4.33%
people 3.16%
company 1.69%
team 1.33%
player 1.31%
investor 1.17%
child 1.12%
man 0.90%
woman 0.83%
kid 0.81%
one 0.35%
one + v. >>共 634
be 33.31%
have 6.14%
come 2.37%
go 1.91%
do 1.91%
get 1.21%
seem 1.13%
take 0.96%
make 0.94%
look 0.77%
每页显示:    共 133