91.   The shortages are among the biggest worries of oil executives, the survey found.

92.   The strategic implications of this bonanza hypnotize Western security planners as completely as the finances transfix oil executives.

93.   The statesmen would be more likely to achieve durable strategic benefits if they heeded the purely cost-conscious thinking of the oil company executives.

94.   The state asset sale program has been shepherded by Klima, a former oil executive who started his political career as minister of transportation and nationalized companies.

95.   The strategy makes oil executives nervous.

96.   The White House is stocked with former oil executives, beginning with Bush, who led his own oil company in Texas.

97.   They looked at renting, but Mrs. Elias, an interior designer, and her husband, John, an oil executive, decided to buy.

98.   Until the Exxon-Mobil merger last year, Walter Arnheim was an oil executive with a fondness for opera.

99.   Until the embarrassing disclosures, polls showed that Benson, an oil executive, had been gaining on Romer, who is seeking a third term.

100.   Veteran oil executives, a terse breed who are wary of superlatives, can barely contain themselves when discussing the Caspian strike.

n. + executive >>共 588
company 13.98%
business 11.92%
industry 11.86%
network 4.17%
studio 2.90%
bank 2.66%
television 2.56%
oil 2.41%
airline 2.37%
auto 1.98%
oil + n. >>共 374
company 15.46%
price 14.04%
industry 3.75%
export 2.88%
production 2.17%
stock 2.15%
producer 2.12%
refinery 2.08%
sale 2.01%
spill 1.84%
executive 0.81%
每页显示:    共 182