91.   Since the terror attacks, U.S. officials have pressed both Israel and the Palestinians to contain Mideast violence.

92.   South Korean officials were pressing Wednesday to see if the latest offer included similar conditions.

93.   Speaking on U.S. television Sunday, the American ambassador to the United Nations, Bill Richardson, said U.S. officials had been pressing French, Chinese and Russian diplomats.

94.   The European officials pressed their Iranian counterparts for more action against terrorism.

95.   The U.S. official also pressed Tudjman to make sure that the Muslim-Croat federation that comprises half of Bosnia actually works.

96.   The United States and NATO officials have pressed Germany to prepare themselves for post-Cold War duties such as peacekeeping.

97.   Turkish officials had pressed Powell to clarify the U.S. position amid rising speculation that the United States might go after Iraq next.

98.   U.N. officials also pressed in talks with rebel leaders for rebels to lay down their arms, Yerima said.

99.   U.N. officials had been pressing for a decision.

100.   U.S. officials are pressing Japan to open its automotive market to American auto and auto parts sellers.

n. + press >>共 628
government 5.25%
official 5.21%
administration 3.42%
leader 3.21%
reporter 2.69%
force 2.60%
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prosecutor 1.55%
authority 1.38%
country 1.38%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
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decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
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confirm 0.91%
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