91.   Government officials contend that the incident had been blown out of proportion.

92.   Government officials contend, and many citizens agree, that Japan needs to improve its infrastructure.

93.   From the beginning, construction authority officials contend, the Board of Education underfinanced the project, and underestimated its difficulty.

94.   Haitian officials contended that the documents could help lead them to weapons caches and to those who committed human rights abuses.

95.   German officials contend that these contacts provide unique opportunities for him to intercede where other Westerners cannot.

96.   Government officials contend Microsoft abused its power by requiring computer makers, as a condition for getting Windows, install its web browser Internet Explorer.

97.   Government officials contend that major mining companies, which are more conscious of their international reputations, are easier to monitor than independent miners.

98.   Great Basin officials here contend that they are proposing simple measures, ones that mimic the natural geologic processes of nature.

99.   Hauling agents into court would shatter the necessary intimacy between the president and his guardians, Service officials contend.

100.   He did say Tarantsev did not sign the visa paperwork that U.S. officials contend contains the false statements.

n. + contend >>共 627
critic 8.29%
official 6.96%
prosecutor 5.29%
government 4.73%
lawyer 2.89%
group 2.73%
company 2.47%
defense 2.42%
suit 2.27%
opponent 2.09%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
be 4.69%
decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
have 1.07%
refuse 1.01%
confirm 0.91%
insist 0.87%
believe 0.81%
contend 0.18%
每页显示:    共 311