91.   How can a country in its right mind accept an eternal commitment of this sort with its neighbor being allowed to retain and develop nuclear arms?

92.   If a deal is signed, it would be the first nuclear arms reduction pact to actually require the destruction of existing warheads.

93.   In addition to nuclear arms, the weapons of mass destruction include biological agents and man-made chemical compounds that attack the nervous system, skin or blood.

94.   In addition to nuclear arms, the weapons of mass destruction include biological agents and man-made chemical compounds that attack the nervous system, skin, or blood.

95.   In addition to holding out the possibility of large unilateral cuts in nuclear arms, he said that most American nuclear weapons should be removed from hair-trigger alert status.

96.   Implementing steep cuts in global nuclear arms is essential to our national interest.

97.   In early May, countries meeting at the United Nations extended indefinitely the treaty to limit the spread of nuclear arms.

98.   In exchange, it wants mutually agreed reductions in U.S. and Russia nuclear arms stockpiles.

99.   In an obvious delaying tactic, the Chinese want the treaty to contain security assurances for non-nuclear states, including a commitment to no first use of nuclear arms.

100.   In response, China, which is not bound by any nuclear arms limitation agreement with Washington, could be tempted to build hundreds of new intercontinental missiles.

a. + arm >>共 1378
right 9.01%
left 7.88%
nuclear 7.18%
broken 3.30%
illegal 2.50%
international 2.23%
open 2.23%
strong 1.75%
upper 1.69%
new 1.51%
nuclear + n. >>共 455
test 12.07%
plant 5.46%
waste 3.91%
arm 3.72%
program 3.53%
material 3.17%
arsenal 3.16%
bomb 3.05%
warhead 2.63%
fuel 2.42%
每页显示:    共 689