91.   Sales declined in all regions of the country, with the largest decline in northeastern states.

92.   She also joined a lawsuit against midwestern utility plants in a collaborative effort with other northeastern states to curb acid rain.

93.   She said California and the Northeastern states had relinquished some of their prominence by not spending as much money on education and public works as they once did.

94.   Senators from Northeastern states had threatened a filibuster in their efforts to secure additional assistance for Amtrak.

95.   Separatist rebels in the northeastern state of Manipur ambushed a police convoy in April.

96.   Some of the animals were rabid and set off a rabies epidemic still raging in northeastern states.

97.   Some other Northeastern states have indicated they may follow suit if New York and Massachusetts succeed in fending off lawsuits from the automakers.

98.   Snow will streak north through the Northeastern states as onshore breezes increase.

99.   Sprawling high pressure extending from central Canada to the Northeastern states will continue to interfere with the typical west to east motion of weather systems.

100.   Southern and western states are lobbying furiously for a bigger slice of the pie, while northeastern states are fighting desperately to defend the status quo.

a. + state >>共 655
jewish 5.46%
palestinian 5.02%
southern 3.87%
arab 3.21%
independent 3.20%
home 2.70%
western 2.29%
islamic 2.19%
northern 2.15%
future 1.60%
northeastern 1.11%
northeastern + n. >>共 211
state 28.15%
province 8.10%
city 7.31%
region 6.66%
part 3.47%
town 3.18%
coast 2.10%
border 1.95%
district 1.95%
port 1.88%
每页显示:    共 387