91.   Piles of white bell bottoms will soon be unloaded, along with an average football team that looks better in yellowed newspaper clippings than it does in person.

92.   Over those years, however, a lot of this kind of do-good investing has produced better newspaper clippings than investment returns.

93.   Photographs and newspaper clippings, mostly about Sprewell, are taped to doors.

94.   Peter Roussel still carries in his wallet a photograph of his brother, dressed in military khakis, along with a tattered newspaper clipping reporting his death.

95.   Quintanilla even threw in a newspaper clipping showing her as the second-place winner in a fifth-grade spelling bee.

96.   Photos of the early Sinatra, photos of the late Sinatra, and photos, newspaper clippings and posters of all Sinatras in between line the walls.

97.   Raveling sends me newspaper clippings and I respond with some of my own.

98.   Posters, photographs, newspapers clippings.

99.   Schieffer has a newspaper clipping that illustrates his point.

100.   She backed up her response with newspaper clippings, medical journal articles and other sources she ran across in her work as a free-lance journalist.

n. + clipping >>共 22
newspaper 51.29%
press 17.42%
news 10.97%
grass 10.65%
lawn 1.29%
toenail 1.29%
coupon 0.97%
fingernail 0.97%
nail 0.97%
adieu 0.32%
newspaper + n. >>共 594
report 18.62%
article 5.75%
editor 5.15%
ad 3.82%
interview 3.66%
reporter 3.60%
columnist 3.10%
column 2.94%
story 2.60%
publisher 2.59%
clipping 2.09%
每页显示:    共 158