91.   The document calls for the three parties to reiterate their commitment to respecting all the conditions necessary for the holding of elections.

92.   The Israeli government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Tuesday refused to grant permission for the mission, saying the necessary conditions had not been fulfilled.

a. + condition >>共 680
critical 9.97%
serious 7.74%
stable 5.91%
good 4.43%
working 3.33%
customary 3.13%
economic 3.12%
living 2.43%
poor 1.99%
medical 1.62%
necessary 0.35%
necessary + n. >>共 1202
step 4.82%
measure 2.01%
equipment 1.94%
information 1.83%
change 1.81%
condition 1.70%
skill 1.46%
permit 1.35%
if 1.35%
document 1.31%
每页显示:    共 92